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                        Current courses at the University of Salzburg (since 2015)


SoSe 2020:

Lecture: Bilingualism and Multilingualism (graduate)

Research Methods in L2 Learning and Teaching  (graduate)

The multilingual classroom (graduate)

Media and SLA (undergraduate)


WiSe 2019-20:

Lecture: Introduction to ELT (undergraduate)

The role of comprehension in SLA (undergraduate)


SoSe 2019:

Myths about Language Acquisition and Language Teaching (undergraduate)

Second Language Psycholinguistics (graduate)

Tasks in the Communicative ELT Classroom (undergraduate)

Multilingualism (Linguistic, Cognitive and Teaching Aspects) (graduate)


WiSe 2018-19:

Morphology (undergraduate)

Instructed Second Language Acquisition (Lecture)  


SoSe 2017 :

Current Research in Psycholinguistics (undergraduate)

L2 Grammar: Processing, Acquisition, Production (graduate)


WiSe 2016-17:

Second Language Acquisition (undergraduate)

Third Language Acquisition (graduate)   


SoSe 2016:

Introduction to English Language Teaching (lecture)

Introduction to Second Language Acquisition of English (undergraduate)

Psycholinguistic, Sociolinguistic and Teaching Approaches to Multilingualism (graduate)


WiSe 2015-16: 

Introduction to English Language Teaching (lecture)

The Essentials of Linguistics for Teachers (undergraduate)

The Grammar of English: Linguistic and Teaching Perspectives (graduate)


SoSe 2015: Introduction to Second Language Acquisition of English (undergraduate)




Past courses at the University of Munich (2006-2015)


WiSe 2014-15: 

Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik / Foundations of ELT Education (undergraduate)

Research methods in linguistics (graduate course)

Introduction to English Language Teaching (co-teaching, lecture)

Grundfragen und Methoden der Linguistik / Fundamental Questions and Methods in Linguistics (co-teaching, lecture)


SoSe 2014:

Learner (inter)language (undergraduate)

Teaching grammar (undergraduate)


WiSe 2013-14:

Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik / Foundations of ELT Education 

(2 undergraduate courses)

Introduction to English Language Teaching (co-teaching, lecture)


SoSe 2013: The multilingual mental lexicon (graduate course)


WiSe 2012-13: 

Grammar acquisition (undergraduate)

Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik/ Foundations of ELT Education (undergraduate)


WiSe 2011-12: 

Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik/ Foundations of ELT Education (undergraduate)

Multilingualism (graduate course)


SoSe 2011: Current Topics in Second Language Acquisition (undergraduate)

SoSe 2010: Issues in Applied Linguistics (undergraduate)

WiSe 2009-10: Psycholinguistics (undergraduate)

SoSe 2009: Second Language Acquisition (undergraduate)  

WiSe 2008-09: Psycholinguistics  (undergraduate)

SoSe 2007: Corpus Linguistics (undergraduate)

WiSe 2006-07: Sociolinguistics (undergraduate)

SoSe 2006: Intercultural encounters: English as an international language  (undergraduate)


*SoSe = summer semester 

  WiSe = winter semester

© Tanja Angelovska

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