Tanja Angelovska
Research on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
University of Kassel
9. November 2011
Research Seminars in Applied Linguistics Series (invited by Alessandro Benati)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Title: Third language acquisition of English
14. January 2014
Research Seminar Series (invited by Anne-Kathrin Ochsenbauer)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache Institut
LMU Munich, Germany
Title: Methodological considerations in the research on cross-linguistic influences in L3 written English
28. May 2014
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Universität Paderborn, Germany
Title: Inclusion meets trilingualism in the classroom: why and how can L2 learners benefit from L3 learners?
13. November 2014
Universität Münster, Germany
Title: "Sometimes I go to see him and then bring he the frog"? Checking predictions by existing models on syntactic transfer in L3 English ​
31. May – 01. June 2015
International workshop "Multilingualism and migration: predicting outcomes in third language acquisition"
LMU Munich, Germany
Title: Will L3 learners process input differently than L2 learners?
23. June 2015
Guest Lecture (invited by Angela Hahn)
LMU Munich, Germany
Title: Processing Instruction
03. July 2015
Universität Erfurt, Germany
Title: From input to output: Processing Instruction as a pedagogical intervention
Guest lecture (Ringvorlesung "Grenzen überschreiten") (invited by Sarah Mercer)
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria
Title: How do Language Learners Interact with Input? From Psycholinguistic Theory to Input-based Practice in the EFL Classroom
Universität Konstanz (invited by Tanja Kupisch)
Title: Transfer in the L3 caused by phonological similarity with the L2: Evidence from late unbalanced Russian-German bilinguals
University of Portsmouth, UK
Symposium on Second Language Acquisition Research: A psycholinguistic and neuro-linguistic perspective
Keynote (with Dietmar Roehm): Tapping into Children's Brains: A Neurocognitive Study on the Effectiveness of Processing Instruction for the acquisition of –ed.
University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Invited Workshop
Title: The Whys, The Whats, and the Hows of Structured Input Activities for ELT
17-18 May 2019
Keynote at the 6th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices
University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Title: "When a psycholinguist enters the multilingual classroom": Bridging the gap between psycholinguistics and pronunciation teaching
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/epip2019/home?authuser=0
14 July 2020
LMU München
Title: "Speaking and Pronunciation: Bilingual Processing Views"
21. January, 2022
University of Portsmouth, UK
Title: The effects of Processing Instruction on the morphosyntactic acquisition of English as L2/L3: a bi-national school-lab classroom study with mono- and bilingual school-age learners