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01.07.2018 - 30.06.2020

Research grant for Project No. MK 01/2018 (WTZ)
Project title: Processing Instruction for L3 English: Differences between balanced and unbalanced bilinguals? (PI-BI-L3)

OeAD – Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research




Funding für the project "L2 Grammar Acquisition"

Rectorate of the University of Salzburg

City and Land  Salzburg (Austria)



02/2015 - 12/2015                                

Research grant for the project "Migration and Multilingualism: predicting outcomes in third language acquisition" (project partner: Angela Hahn)

Bavarian Research Alliance/BayFOR (Germany)




VC grant for the project "Processing L2 and L3 grammatical input"

3-year full paid Ph.D. student: Agnieszka Anna MarciszewskaPhD scholarship (begin: January 2015), 

(PI: Alessandro Benati)

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Greenwich (United Kingdom)



12/2013 - 12/2014                             

Research and teaching grant "Discovering research: funding research-oriented teaching" (internal competition)

Forschung entdecken: Förderung von Forschungsorientierung in der Lehre 

(project partner: Angela Hahn)

Lehre@LMU Excellence Funding Scheme (Germany)



02/2012 – 11/2012        

International Post-Doc Visiting Fellowship 

(project partner: Alessandro Benati)

Leverhulme Trust (United Kingdom)



07/2007 – 07/2010        


Ph.D. scholarship

Friedrich Ebert Foundation/FES  (Germany)



07/2006 – 10/2006        

EU STIBET Teaching Assistant Award 

German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD (Germany)




© Tanja Angelovska

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